Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Unique Tradition Welcomes New Year In Different Countries

Unique Tradition Welcomes New Year In Different Countries

Cheerfulness welcome the New Year echoed all over the world regardless of age and status differences. Everyone rejoiced to welcome the arrival of the New Year with the hope that in the New Year they will be better luck than the previous years. Not only the fireworks, the trumpet sounds but also many festivals held to enliven the New Year's Eve. Each country in the world has had a different tradition in welcoming the New Year. Here are some unique traditions in various countries in welcoming the new year that you may not know ;) :

Bell Shrine Japan
The tradition of Japanese society is somewhat unique because they will be wearing a costume that symbolizes the zodiac new year be met ( the year 2014 is the year of the horse so that they will be wearing a horse costume ) . In addition , Buddhist Temple in Japan will ring a bell as much as 108 times at midnight that aims to purify the listeners of sin and demons incarnate in human form . 

Dduk Gook Korea
In general, the Korean people will gather with family during the new year . Dishes were served at congregate is definitely Dduk Gook / Tteok Guk . It is said that if eating rice cake soup this time of New Year's Eve they will not grow old in that year .

Broken Plates Denmark
Solve the plate is not a good thing but different in this one country. In Denmark it is a plate solve definite tradition done during New Year's Eve. Tradition solves glassware such as cups, plates, bowls, etc. in front of a friend's house symbolizes friendship. The more shards that are in front of home plate then the residents will be happy as much as it was also luck that will be obtained during the year.

Colorful Underwear Brazil
New Year tradition in Brazil cannot be seen directly because it deals with underwear. Latin American societies, especially Brazil, Mexico, and Bolivia to believe if wearing a light-colored underwear and light up when the New Year's Eve then good luck will accompany them throughout the year. Usually used as a red color ( emblem : romance ) , yellow ( emblem : prosperity / wealth ) , green ( emblem : health ) , and blue ( emblem : patience and peace ) .

Twelve Grapes Spain
Seconds welcome the new year , the Spaniards certainly prepare grapes to eat at midnight . 12 seconds before promptly at 12 am on the day gave way to the new year, they will eat one grape every second of it . 12 grapes are eaten is a symbol of hope in 12 months in the year 12 will be explored.

Fire Festivals Scotland
Tradition also is unique in Scotland that the Scottish people will do the parade swung like a flaming torch milestone that aims to make the coming year better. In addition , " The First footing " is also not forget that a tradition which carried the first set foot in front of the door of the house should give gifts for the sake of the family members good luck in the new year.

Empty Suitcase Columbia
We all know that the suitcase used to carry items when traveling but not for the Columbia community while welcoming the new year . The local community will bring an empty suitcase and drove around the city streets with the hope in the coming year will be filled with life streets .

Pomegranate Greece
Pomegranate is a symbol of fertility and success. Based on these beliefs, the Greek community has always cast a pomegranate seed in the door of the house , shops , and offices in the coming year with hopes of prosperity and success will envelop .

     Quite unique and interesting traditions not welcome the new year in some countries ? Whatever the traditions and symbols used to describe our expectations in the coming year is not important . The important thing is how do we turn for a moment to see what has been done during the year to the rear and then try my best to be a better person than the previous year . If we can become a better person , the expectations that we have will be easily realized and of course the necessary effort in achieving these expectations . Happy New Year!

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